It’s a quick project using otherwise wasted material from awhile back. I made this to keep myself reminded on how important it is to follow quality and not quantity.
“Quality over quantity” seems to be quite a simple idea grasp by the majority of us, but often times hard to follow because people today, me included, tend to be “number-oriented.” We expose our numbers to the public – fans and friends we have on facebook, followers on tumblr, twitter, the number of projects we’ve done, number of page views for a website, number of blog posts, and the number of internships we’ve joined..etc. You get the drift.
It almost seems as if the higher the number, the better we are as a person. When in fact, number should be the least of our concerns. What’s the point of having hundreds of facebook friends, but none of them willing to give you a hand when you need it? And thousands of twitter followers that don’t really give a crap about how your day is? They are numbers that yield no meaning.
What’s even worse are half-ass’d projects. Quickly rush through projects hoping the more projects you do, the more you’d get your name out – if that’s the case, you’re getting it all wrong because, unfortunately, nobody pays attention to a mediocre project. Not only will you not get your name out, it can even backfire.
There’s no use for numbers if you don’t have the quality to back it up. Instead of focusing on the amount of work you can cramp out, pay more attention to the meaning behind each task you can accomplish. From a photographers point of view – you don’t brag about the hundreds of sub par photos you’ve taken because you understand that it only takes that one great photo to shape who you are as a photographer.
Be genuine, don’t rush anything, stay humble and put in 110% in any task you face.
Back to the project:
↑Found a flyer lying around – material #1.
↑Mesh used to cover a few shirts I received as x’mas gifts – material #2.
↑Coupons and advertisements – material #3.
↑Some scratch paper.
↑ Old frame that hasn’t been put to use in awhile.
After coming with the idea, I print out a stencil:
↑stencil for the flyer.
↑Thought the left over flyer looked pretty cool against the light.
I ripped out the advertisements and pasted on the paper, which served as canvas.
Wanted to create that collage type feel. ya dig
↑The mesh lay between the letters and the collage, creating the contrast.
The idea is to see “Quality” rather than the massive amount of ads that lays beneath it.
“Quality over quantity” any day.
’til next time,
-Benson|| Twitter || the movement|| The Imaginary Zebra website || Shop of Imagination ||