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Daily—New York Day 7 (NYE)

I typically do the daily-writeup at the end of each day, but I had to delay this entry till now: I’ve spent half of the day making up sleep from an eventful New Year’s Eve. Ironically, not a lot of photos were taken during the event. I think that’s a clear sign of a good time.

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Statue of Liberty. from afar.
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Check-in via Yelp for the first time. 123113-47 123113-48

Small world! Bumped into Marcus (Deserts like Eden), whom I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with during the first days of Imaginary Zebra. We first met in California, and I haven’t seen this guy in person since 2007. The chances of us being in the same area, taking the same subway-line at the same section of the train at the same time is fucking ridiculous.
That’s Amy (left) and Matthew (right).


Max Brenner—Chocolate by the Bald Man.
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BCD Tofu House. To-go. Everywhere’s too crowded.
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Let the party begin. We chose a local bar for the evening.

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Michelle’s upset because she lost her ear muffs.

Happy 2014, dear readers.

’til tomorrow,



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